Thursday, July 15, 2010

What and amazing Love

Today I write to tell you about the one thing that captures my heart and the one thing that no matter what he does I love him. He makes me laugh he makes me cry, he is always there for me no matter what. This is the kinda of Love everyone needs I honestly don't know what I would with out this love.
It all started Aug 10th 2006 I met him for the first time he was perfect the first time I laid eyes on him. His eyes where so deep and comforting, his smell so right in every way He was exactly what any girl could ask for.A love to call her own forever and ever.
This year will make four years of us being together he cuddles with me every night. He is always waiting on me a a wonderful smile and when I am down and out he is there a should to cry on or someone to vent to.
What an Amazing Love My little dog Eli he is my world my one true love and my life would not be complete with out him. Yes he pees on things every now and then and he does bark a lot there is days he makes me mad and then there is days he is soo cute I think how could you ever be made.. I love him and he will always be my one true love my best friend the only true man in my life.

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