Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today I was working on My Layout and Design for my Blogs and I found this awesome patch work background. When I seen it, I come to think about my Dad's old quilt that I sleep under every night. It was a hand made quilt by my grate Grandmother, I think about how much this quilt is like out lives.
In the making of the quilt I am sure that each patch was picked out and cut to a certain size, like out lives God picks each on of us out and places us with a family we are then cut to the certain size and given each a beautiful different design.

Then each patch is carefully stitched together,I am sure that at times she missed a stitch or pricked her finger.Just like life everyday we add a patch to our life and sometimes it will come out to be perfect and go right the way we wanted it to and then other times we think what was we thinking, either it pricked us and we messed it up yet we keep going. Now if my grandmother would have not kept going on her quilt every time she messed up or pricked her finger than today there would be no way that I would be able to cuddle up under that quilt each night and feel the warm embrace of my Dad and and his amazing hugs that I miss so much some days.

Life is not always a perfect quilt, sometimes life will throw us bad days and well make bad decisions. However that is not the opportunity to lay down and quit, this is when you keep practicing to make it perfect. We must learn from our mistakes and make sure that next patch we add to our life we stitch it the right way and don't prick out finger again. Then in the end we will have shown out light to other we have come in contact with and they can take our life and live it to our example just like my Dads quilt.
He used it for comfort one day like I do now and then I will pass it on down the Chain and it will soon become torn,old and frail but each and every generation that its passed down to there will be comfort and like life a lesson that was taught by the life we lived and the mistakes we made.

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