Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life is what you make it.

I'll start out by saying I am not a good writer, and I am just learning how to really open up with my thoughts and feelings. I was inspired by a good friend who has been in a very similar situation as I am in to start blogging about my life and my thoughts on a day to day bases.

My life is very busy and complicated at times, I have been told many times that Life is what you make it so live it to the fullest. I take this statement and live it as much as possible. I am a young women, who attends college and works a full time job. At one point in my life I was a young college student who didn't have one care in life but my school friends and Family. With in one night my whole life changed as I knew it. I soon became a young women with many responsibility and a week to make life changing situations.

I never want to say I regret my decisions I made, I can say that it would have been nice to have more time to find out who I really am and what I really what in life. Like my quote earlier " Life is what you make it." All thought my decisions where made and there was no changing them I now live with the many different obstetrical that life throws my way, I sometimes come through and I sometimes fall. No matter what I know that though my strong faith in Jesus Christ and my wonderful family and friends I will make it not matter what comes my way.

So in today's thoughts I know " Life is what you make it " and I am making it what I feel it needs to be today. I know that tomorrow holds a different plan and the next day and the next. But as long as I live it to the fullest and make time for my friends and Family, God will see that my life will be what I make of it and one day I will look back and laugh at all the things I was so confused about or questions and say I see why I made that decision and it was a good choice.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you did your first post, Amanda!! I am so impressed at your strength and poise. I am looking forward to reading what you have to say. :)

