Friday, July 30, 2010

August !!!

Sitting at work today I am preparing my self for my august events and making sure that I have all the things I need and finishing up little details. When looking at my Calendar I think August is this is time to be happy or to Celebrate. So many things happen in August.

24 years ago on August the 12th 1986 I came to this earth. Born to a wonderful Family Mike and Chris Finley.

23 years ago on August th 9th
1988 My Best Friend Daniel Mays was born.

4 years ago I bought the Love of my life Eli and he is more than my child he is my best friends and companion.

these are all happy things that Happen in August but then as August starts to Wind
down I think about
August the 25 2006 My family in I load the car up and headed off to Dolly Wood for a company Picnic. We take these trips every year once a year, this one was different though. It was a trip I will never forget. I came home from college that weekend to spend time with my family. In a family that owns several business that is something we hardly ever got to do is spe
nd time together. This tr
ip was a trip filled with happiness beyo
nd measure we all laughed and talked about thing other then work. It was the best trip every. Little did we know this trip would be the LAST FAMILY TRIP.

Saturday August 26 2006 I sat up in the Kitchen laughing and talking to my Dad about the events that were going on in my life. WE laughed and he lectured and we laughe
d little did I know this would be my last conversation EVER with my Dad. Sunday he was leaving at 5:00 am for Lexington he was taking a buisness trip to Las Vegas for the Annual RSA c

Sunday August 27 2006 6:15 am My Dad's Plane Crashed!!!!

6:20 am My mom woke me up to the News and the Phone Ringing off the hook. The Tv was saying there was only one surviver out of 50 people I knew it was
him he was my Dad my rock, my superman he could con core all thing I just knew he made it through. The
n there was that phone call from my brother David who had went to get the news.

SILENTS hit the room !!!!

what do you say, what do you do!!!! Empty Sadness

August... is over....

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