Friday, July 30, 2010

August !!!

Sitting at work today I am preparing my self for my august events and making sure that I have all the things I need and finishing up little details. When looking at my Calendar I think August is this is time to be happy or to Celebrate. So many things happen in August.

24 years ago on August the 12th 1986 I came to this earth. Born to a wonderful Family Mike and Chris Finley.

23 years ago on August th 9th
1988 My Best Friend Daniel Mays was born.

4 years ago I bought the Love of my life Eli and he is more than my child he is my best friends and companion.

these are all happy things that Happen in August but then as August starts to Wind
down I think about
August the 25 2006 My family in I load the car up and headed off to Dolly Wood for a company Picnic. We take these trips every year once a year, this one was different though. It was a trip I will never forget. I came home from college that weekend to spend time with my family. In a family that owns several business that is something we hardly ever got to do is spe
nd time together. This tr
ip was a trip filled with happiness beyo
nd measure we all laughed and talked about thing other then work. It was the best trip every. Little did we know this trip would be the LAST FAMILY TRIP.

Saturday August 26 2006 I sat up in the Kitchen laughing and talking to my Dad about the events that were going on in my life. WE laughed and he lectured and we laughe
d little did I know this would be my last conversation EVER with my Dad. Sunday he was leaving at 5:00 am for Lexington he was taking a buisness trip to Las Vegas for the Annual RSA c

Sunday August 27 2006 6:15 am My Dad's Plane Crashed!!!!

6:20 am My mom woke me up to the News and the Phone Ringing off the hook. The Tv was saying there was only one surviver out of 50 people I knew it was
him he was my Dad my rock, my superman he could con core all thing I just knew he made it through. The
n there was that phone call from my brother David who had went to get the news.

SILENTS hit the room !!!!

what do you say, what do you do!!!! Empty Sadness

August... is over....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Things I Love !!!

About two years ago my Best Friend introduced to me these glasses that are hand painted. I feel in love with them I wanted all of them. He bought me two for my Birthday that year, the Birthday Cake and the Sex on the Beach cause that was the Drink of Choice for my party.

Ever since I have been addicted to them I feel every girl needs to start the collection
Lolita is the artist that designs these and several other items. So go check out her web site she has some great things. I now have 6 glasses and have started my sister in law a collection and my Cousin.

Friday, July 16, 2010


It's Friday !! and I love Friday's here is some of the reasons I love Friday

Time to spend with My Best Friends

Get to sleep in on Sat most of the time

Going out !!

My mind relaxes and takes a break

I get some of my projects done around that house that I say I am going to do but never get to them

Its two days away from Sunday and Sundays are the best Day filled with Worship and Family time.

Then Last Friday's are a great reminder to my self that I am still young and know how to go out and have a good time

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Butterfly Wishes: What and amazing Love

Butterfly Wishes: What and amazing Love: "Today I write to tell you about the one thing that captures my heart and the one thing that no matter what he does I love him. He makes me ..."

What and amazing Love

Today I write to tell you about the one thing that captures my heart and the one thing that no matter what he does I love him. He makes me laugh he makes me cry, he is always there for me no matter what. This is the kinda of Love everyone needs I honestly don't know what I would with out this love.
It all started Aug 10th 2006 I met him for the first time he was perfect the first time I laid eyes on him. His eyes where so deep and comforting, his smell so right in every way He was exactly what any girl could ask for.A love to call her own forever and ever.
This year will make four years of us being together he cuddles with me every night. He is always waiting on me a a wonderful smile and when I am down and out he is there a should to cry on or someone to vent to.
What an Amazing Love My little dog Eli he is my world my one true love and my life would not be complete with out him. Yes he pees on things every now and then and he does bark a lot there is days he makes me mad and then there is days he is soo cute I think how could you ever be made.. I love him and he will always be my one true love my best friend the only true man in my life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

B.o.B - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore [Official Music Video]

I love this song it makes me think of My Dad he is in Heaven, so it makes me think about wishing on an airplane since that is how he died and every time I see one in the sky I tell my self that its him telling me that he is watching over me!!
Miss you RIP DADDY !!! Love


Today I was working on My Layout and Design for my Blogs and I found this awesome patch work background. When I seen it, I come to think about my Dad's old quilt that I sleep under every night. It was a hand made quilt by my grate Grandmother, I think about how much this quilt is like out lives.
In the making of the quilt I am sure that each patch was picked out and cut to a certain size, like out lives God picks each on of us out and places us with a family we are then cut to the certain size and given each a beautiful different design.

Then each patch is carefully stitched together,I am sure that at times she missed a stitch or pricked her finger.Just like life everyday we add a patch to our life and sometimes it will come out to be perfect and go right the way we wanted it to and then other times we think what was we thinking, either it pricked us and we messed it up yet we keep going. Now if my grandmother would have not kept going on her quilt every time she messed up or pricked her finger than today there would be no way that I would be able to cuddle up under that quilt each night and feel the warm embrace of my Dad and and his amazing hugs that I miss so much some days.

Life is not always a perfect quilt, sometimes life will throw us bad days and well make bad decisions. However that is not the opportunity to lay down and quit, this is when you keep practicing to make it perfect. We must learn from our mistakes and make sure that next patch we add to our life we stitch it the right way and don't prick out finger again. Then in the end we will have shown out light to other we have come in contact with and they can take our life and live it to our example just like my Dads quilt.
He used it for comfort one day like I do now and then I will pass it on down the Chain and it will soon become torn,old and frail but each and every generation that its passed down to there will be comfort and like life a lesson that was taught by the life we lived and the mistakes we made.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Manda's Foot Steps: Life is what you make it.

Manda's Foot Steps: Life is what you make it.: "I'll start out by saying I am not a good writer, and I am just learning how to really open up with my thoughts and feelings. I was inspired..."

Life is what you make it.

I'll start out by saying I am not a good writer, and I am just learning how to really open up with my thoughts and feelings. I was inspired by a good friend who has been in a very similar situation as I am in to start blogging about my life and my thoughts on a day to day bases.

My life is very busy and complicated at times, I have been told many times that Life is what you make it so live it to the fullest. I take this statement and live it as much as possible. I am a young women, who attends college and works a full time job. At one point in my life I was a young college student who didn't have one care in life but my school friends and Family. With in one night my whole life changed as I knew it. I soon became a young women with many responsibility and a week to make life changing situations.

I never want to say I regret my decisions I made, I can say that it would have been nice to have more time to find out who I really am and what I really what in life. Like my quote earlier " Life is what you make it." All thought my decisions where made and there was no changing them I now live with the many different obstetrical that life throws my way, I sometimes come through and I sometimes fall. No matter what I know that though my strong faith in Jesus Christ and my wonderful family and friends I will make it not matter what comes my way.

So in today's thoughts I know " Life is what you make it " and I am making it what I feel it needs to be today. I know that tomorrow holds a different plan and the next day and the next. But as long as I live it to the fullest and make time for my friends and Family, God will see that my life will be what I make of it and one day I will look back and laugh at all the things I was so confused about or questions and say I see why I made that decision and it was a good choice.