Thursday, October 14, 2010

Road Trip Adventures

One of my favorite things to do it go on random road trips, with friends. On October 9th 2010 my roommate Katie and Best friend Daniel and Friend Johnathan, packed the car and started out towards OHIO ..
Once we got there we hung out at the mall for a while. Always love new stores that we don't have at home. Kate and I got really carried away in Clair's, they say its for little girls well there wrong. I bought a new head band, for the Muse concert and also because it was zebra and I love zebra. After we left the mall off to TGIF to eat yummy nachos "just FYI there nachos are the best ever" After we left TGIF we decided to go on a hunt for the liquor store to pre game for the night out. This was defiantly a hunt because we got lost several times. We stared out looking for a Kroger's because the waitress at TGIF said that is where they normally go so with three iphones in the car we still could not find the Kroger's after turning around several times we finally found the
Heading home Kate Exploded her Soda water but that didn't stop us from having a good time

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