Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mother's Prayer / Song to Maddie

My sweet baby on loan from above, no better treasure, could I have more love

I stand here beside your, bed as I pray, I lay my hand on your head and I say:

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days

May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways

May His hand bless your future with friendships that last

May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast

I stare in wonder at your tiny frame, Just to think that,God knows you by name

He knows every hair on your beautiful head; He knows all your thoughts, before they are said

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days

May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways

May His hand bless your future with friendships that last

May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast

Prayer: May God grant you peace in the midst of a storm

May God give you strength even when you’re forlorn

May you answer the door when Jesus comes knocking

May wisdom guide you when your mouth is talking

May discretion protect you and keep you pure

May you never stumble or fall for a lure

May your heart remain humble to the very end

May uprightness and truth be what you defend

May the world not ensnare or change who you are

May the light that’s within you shine like the stars

May angels surround you body, spirit, mind

May favor and peace be yours to find

May rejection and pain never reach you

May your spirit grow bold for what you’re called to

As you rest in God’s care we will rest to knowing Jesus is watching over you

Love you Madilyn!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Beth n Ryan

Christmas ?


Each year, at Thanksgiving time in November we all start getting excited for a holiday we all call Christmas. We shop and spend major money on our loved ones. We eat till we cant eat anymore we party and celebrate.Churches have plays they have practiced for months, children talk about Santa and how they cant wait for him to come and bring all those present to place under the tree. Then December 25th comes along, we all get with our families some in which we have not seen in a long time and we share the many blessings and holiday treats with each other, we watch all the kids tare into the presents and all the laughter and excitement that fills the room.
As I have grown up in a strong Christian based Family we was always taught that Christmas was not all about Santa and receiving presents. It is more about the Celebration of a small little baby born on this day that would grow up to be our king and save us for all of our sins so we can live eternally in a place called Heaven. Its sounds great right ? I have believed this all my life and I have grown up to know this little baby we celebrate called Jesus. Knowing this man has made each Christmas a wonderful time of the year to celebrate his birthday, and love to all my family and friends.

December 2006 Christmas became sad to our family and we chose to spend it out of town. My Father was not here to celebrate the wonderful season with us. Since then Christmas has not been the same with my family. Until this year God sent us a little Christmas bundle Madilyn Bree Finley. Looking back at the day Baby Jesus was born I see now what the excitement and the reasoning why we call it CHRISTMAS!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baby Madilyn Bree Finley

Dear, Madilyn
November 21st 2010 was a hard but wonderful day. I woke up in wonder if you would enter the world today. You mother was insisting that you would be here, little did we all know she was right. 12:12 I received a text from you dad saying were going to the hospital Nicole's water has broke scared, excited, upset , nervous and sad where some of the feelings I felt. Scared for you and your mommy knowing all the trouble you both had been through. Excited to see you for the first time and hold you in my arms and love you. Upset because I didn't know how fast you was going to get here and I had to work a party before I made the trip to Corbin. Nervous not knowing what was in store or what would happen next and last SAD cause your Grandfather Mike Finley was not here to share this time with all of us and meet you for the first time.

Once I got to the Hospital, I went in and Checked on you and your mommy. Things where good but your mommy's pain level was really high. I began to pray for God to comfort you and your mommy. around 6:30 they gave your mommy her medication to help her with the pain. Then you and mommy took a turn for the worst. Your moms blood pressure dropped and your heart rate was gone. Scared, Confused not sure what to say or do, me and granny started to pray. Knowing God was in control of this situation faith set in and as calmness covered the room I look over to the nursery window and there was a 5 pound 2 ounces and 19 inches long dark haired baby.. Tears laughter and excitement filled the room. YOU WHERE HERE !! Healthy little Madilyn Bree Finley. The nurse came out to tell us your Mommy was fine and would be out of surgery soon. God had you in his hands the whole time. I started out with saying I was sad that Papaw Finley was not here to see you, I was wrong he held you before we did and watched you come to this earth before we did. I know he was right beside God in that room making sure those Doctors knew what to do. He Carried you and your mommy through the most amazing thing either one of you will ever experience.

That Night I was on my knees for a long time telling God thanks for everything he done today and Thanking him for bring us a wonderful healthy baby girl and keeping her mommy safe through the whole thing.
Maddie, I write this so one day you can look back and know that no matter what happens in Life God is the only answer. People Change and things happen that we don't always understand but God knows all things and he has a reason why he does things the way he does. We don't always know why but he does. You and your mommy have an amazing testimony to the world, share it keep it close to your heart and never let a day go by with out Thanks Jesus or God for you life and the air you breath.
I also am writing this to tell you that no matter what I love you, I feel in love with you as soon as I laid eyes on you. I know that I am not the only one and always remember that too you have a big warm family that is always here for you and love you no matter what. Also I want you to know that your Papaw Mike Finley would be so happy to see you and be apart of your life here on earth but Jesus needed him in heaven early, but he is there to be your Guarding Angel and protect you from all harm. He loves you with all of his heart and Is always beside you.

As I write this letter you are making your first travel home, I am so excited to see what a wonderful girl, women you will become. Always know that anything you need I along with your whole family is here for you and will always be. I love you Madilyn Bree and will always and forever.

Aunt Amanda Finley

November 23, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Road Trip Adventures

One of my favorite things to do it go on random road trips, with friends. On October 9th 2010 my roommate Katie and Best friend Daniel and Friend Johnathan, packed the car and started out towards OHIO ..
Once we got there we hung out at the mall for a while. Always love new stores that we don't have at home. Kate and I got really carried away in Clair's, they say its for little girls well there wrong. I bought a new head band, for the Muse concert and also because it was zebra and I love zebra. After we left the mall off to TGIF to eat yummy nachos "just FYI there nachos are the best ever" After we left TGIF we decided to go on a hunt for the liquor store to pre game for the night out. This was defiantly a hunt because we got lost several times. We stared out looking for a Kroger's because the waitress at TGIF said that is where they normally go so with three iphones in the car we still could not find the Kroger's after turning around several times we finally found the
Heading home Kate Exploded her Soda water but that didn't stop us from having a good time

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amazed by Muse

Yesterday October 11 2010, I stood at the US Bank arena with some of my best friends. I went in expectation to be board and to know as much about MUSE as I did when I came. To my knowledge Muse was an indie band that played some songs for the Twilight movies. When the concert started people started cheering watched the stage impatiently waiting on Muse to enter the stage.. Music started playing the stage lit up with three towers each with people walking up the stairs to the top of the towers, then they started to fall down and then the curtains fall to each member of the band on a tower there song "Uprising" played as they jammed out. The light display was amazing and for each song it just got better their talent and music amazed me. I stood in awe as the concert I thought was coming to and end with giant eye ball balloons fell from the top of the arena. When the balloons where popped the stage lights were at it again and Muse came back out to preform two of their most popular songs and then the concert can to an end. I once again stood at the US Bank arena with some of my best friends three of us where in awe and one was about in tears from the concert I thought was not going to be my favorite concert ever.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jonna Bell Begely

Jonna Michelle Begley AKA Jonna Bell
June 18,1988, September 23, 2005

Five years comes so fast, it still seams like yesterday that our fun loving, always smiling , caring sweet Jonna was taken from us to fulfill her spot in Heaven. I think back at all the good memories of church camp, choir, Christmas Plays, road trips, or just every day conversations on the phone about life. Life will never be the same with out her but all the memory's she left behind will get us to the day we will meet again.

Thanks so much for being an amazing person through and through you have touched so many lives when you was here and now even when your gone. You are missed more and more each day, but I promise until the day I get to meet you at the gates of Heaven I will remember you and keep your warm smile in my heart and keep your memories alive always and forever. I love you girl !!!