Jonna Michelle Begley AKA Jonna Bell
June 18,1988, September 23, 2005

Five years comes so fast, it still seams like yesterday that our fun loving, always smiling , caring sweet Jonna was taken from us to fulfill her spot in Heaven. I think back at all the good memories of church camp, choir, Christmas Plays, road trips, or just every day conversations on the phone about life. Life will never be the same with out her but all the memory's she left behind will get us to the day we will meet again.

Thanks so much for being an amazing person through and through you have touched so many lives when you was here and now even when your gone. You are missed more and more each day, but I promise until the day I get to meet you at the gates of Heaven I will remember you and keep your warm smile in my heart and keep your memories alive always and forever. I love you girl !!!